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Past Events

Here's some info on our past events fro you to browse.  Do get in touch if you have any questions.

Stuchd an Lochain

Saturday 23rd October 2021

With a start at over 400 metres, Stuchd an Lochain gives a short ascent for a Munro. The initial climb is steep and boggy but the ridge traverse that follows around above the corrie cradling little Lochan nan Cat, is a delight, and the summit views are superb.​


The day was cold, windy, wet and misty with good views on the ascent but none from the top unfortunately.  However the good company and laughter made up for the poorer weather and it was a fresh and uplifting time together.


Distance:  8.5km / 5.25 miles


Ascent:  726m (Profile) 


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